Talent Solutions for Talented Companies

Managed Services

Contingent Services
Full Time Hires
Representative Clients

Why Hire Team BayOne?
Quality Candidates
Get a better engineer for your dollar. Hiring poorer quality engineers is an expensive way to save money. BayOne’s business model gives clients a “better engineer for your dollar” by cutting out unnecessary management overhead and not asking the clients to pay for a bench.

Scalable & Efficient Processes
Scale up quickly. BayOne nurtures deep pools of talent and invest in scalability through process automation with Automation Anywhere.
Gain scalable access to fast-evolving skills. The half-life of technology skills is five years. Having scalable access to fast-evolving skills is a competitive advantage. Team BayOne stays ahead of the technology cycles, so your business can access the latest skills on demand.
Saves You Time
Our low latency process provides better response times. BayOne has succeeded in serving our clients’ hunger for a scalable, low latency team by nurturing deep talent pools. We have a rigorous screening and evaluation process, and we value referrals, contributions to tech forums, and client recommendations. We can ramp-up or ramp-down teams with low latency of response.

Metrics Driven
Improve your result metrics. BayOne uses an internal analytics scorecard platform to maintain a high level of process discipline and consistency of outcomes for our clients.
Employee 360
BayOne has a 360° engagement process, which allows us to listen to every consultant’s concerns and aspirations.
Happy consultants = more code ships.
Employee Onboarding with ramp-up training, badging, & access. Employee Success with upskilling, check-ins, and workshops. Talent Pool Engagement for always engaged consultants.

Commitment to Improve Diversity
A company might garner attention through its product, but it sustains success through its people. Thus, the more diverse this people pool, the more the company succeeds. BayOne conducts internal and external programs to promote diversity, including public programs to level up underrepresented demographics.
A gender diverse workforce can create more products and services, is 15% more likely to outperform companies that aren’t gender diverse & can deliver better returns with lower volatility.
A holistic workforce = a thriving company!