Discover strategies to empower women in tech with effective mentorship and sponsorship. Learn how to break barriers, build networks, and advance careers.
BayOne Partners with Women of Work to Support and Empower “Return to Work†Jobseekers As an extension of Make Tech Purple and a commitment to increasing the number of women in tech, BayOne is supporting WoW (Women of Work), a...
Women’s Equality Day: How far have we really come? “I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.†This is what Susan...
Make Tech Purple Initiative for Gender Parity in Tech Workforce “As I looked over the contours of my career of 20+ years in Recruiting and managing recruiting teams, one aspect was a recurring theme. And that was how my female...
Make Tech Purple Initiative for Gender Parity in Tech Workforce “As I looked over the contours of my career of 20+ years in Recruiting and managing recruiting teams, one aspect was a recurring theme. And that was how my female...
The first step in being an ally of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is understanding what it means. Diversity refers to the inclusion of people with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Equity is ensuring that everyone has what they need...
How to Find and Retain Women in Tech In early 2011, the number of women in tech roles in Silicon Valley was 7%. Fast-forward to now, and that number hovers around 14% – which is not bad, but there’s still...
Early computers were women. Then something happened and the women took a backseat, men became nerds and computers became machines.There has been a long decline in the percentage of women in tech, and when it comes to data crunching, the...
5 Ingredients for Success in STEM as a Woman Nicole joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a faculty of Biotechnology. As her year progressed, she found that the female members of the faculty banded together rather subconsciously to form...
Building the Future of Women in Data Science Microsoft claims to be an equal opportunity employer with emphasis on equal pay and equal representation. However, women are still 27.6% of their tech workforce. Clearly, high rhetoric isn’t being executed. This is true...